OKR Tracking Google Sheets Template: How to Start Tracking OKR Goals

This Google Sheets OKR Tracking Template is your all-in-one solution for setting, tracking, and achieving your goals with ease.

Whether you're a startup, a growing team, or an established organization, this intuitive OKR template is tailored to empower teams of all sizes and industries to thrive.

Why You Need OKR Spreadsheets Tracker?

Unlocking Goal-Setting Success

In the dynamic world of business, staying on target with your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is crucial. That's why we've crafted this template to be your trusted companion on the journey to success. From defining clear objectives to monitoring progress on a visual dashboard, this tool is designed to make OKR implementation smooth and effective.

A Dashboard for Insightful Decision-Making

Visualize your progress, gain insights, and make informed decisions with our user-friendly dashboard. Whether you're focusing on team objectives or company-wide goals, this template allows you to track up to 8 teams across 4 cycles, ensuring alignment and clarity every step of the way.

Seamless Collaboration, Effortless Execution

Sharing the template with your team is a breeze, enabling seamless collaboration and collective progress tracking. 

Elevate Your Performance Today

Embark on a journey of goal-setting excellence with the Google Sheets OKR Tracking Template. Start achieving your ambitions, fostering team alignment, and driving results that propel your organization forward.


Understanding Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)

What are Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)?

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) serve as your roadmap to success, guiding your organization towards achieving its most important goals. Let's break down these essential components:

Objectives: Your North Star

Objectives are the inspiring, overarching goals that define where your organization aims to go. They paint a vivid picture of success, providing clarity and direction for your team.

  • Example: "Increase customer satisfaction to create lasting brand loyalty."

Key Results: Milestones of Progress

Key Results are the measurable, tangible outcomes that mark progress towards your Objectives. They serve as the checkpoints on your journey, indicating whether you're on track to achieve your goals.

  • Example: "Achieve a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 75 by the end of the quarter."

The Power of OKRs

By adopting the OKR framework, your organization gains several benefits:

  • Transparency: Clear visibility into organizational goals and progress.
  • Alignment: Ensuring every team member is working towards the same objectives.
  • Focus: Prioritizing efforts on the most impactful initiatives.
  • Agility: Adapting to changes quickly and effectively.

Embracing OKR for Success

The OKR methodology traces its roots back to Intel in the 1970s, where it was first developed. Since then, successful tech giants like Google, LinkedIn, Spotify, and Slack have embraced OKRs to drive innovation and achieve remarkable results.

Now that you understand the core of OKRs, it's time to leverage the Google Sheets OKR Tracking Template to turn these concepts into actionable plans. Dive into the next sections to learn how to implement OKRs effectively, track progress, and achieve extraordinary outcomes for your organization.

What's Included in this OKR Template?

The Danalyser's Google Sheets OKR Tracking Template is not your ordinary spreadsheet – it's a powerful toolkit designed to elevate your goal-setting process. Here's what you can expect:

  • Company OKR Tracking (up to 4 OKR cycles)
  • Team OKR Tracking (up to 8 teams, 4 OKR cycles)
  • Dashboard for OKR Progress and Team
  • Dashboard for Yearly Overview and Team Performance
  • Customisable Traffic Light Rating System to rate goal progress
  • Example - Real-World Examples of Objectives and Key Results sets for each team to inspire you. 


How to Use OKR Template?

1. Accessing the Template

Open the Google Sheets OKR Tracking Template using the provided link. Make sure you are logged into your Google account to use the template.

If you don’t have one, simply sign up for a free Google account here.

2. Sharing the Template

To maximize the effectiveness of OKRs, it's essential to involve all teams. With Google Sheets, this can be done easily by using the “Share” button located in the upper right corner. 

Steps are as below:

  1. Click on the "Share" button located in the top-right corner of the template.
  2. Enter the email addresses of team members or collaborators.
  3. Set access permissions to "Edit" for seamless collaboration.
  4. Optionally, set permissions to "Viewer" for read-only access.

Pro Tips: Share access to the group email to manage access easily.

3. Getting Started

Once you have downloaded the copy, the first "Getting Started" tab will gives you the quick setup instructions. 

4. Global Settings - More Customisation Options

This OKR template offers full customization, allowing you to tailor it to your needs in Google Sheets. For a seamless experience, we've created a page specifically to assist you in customizing the most essential aspects.

In the second tab, you’ll find the global settings. Here you can customise company name, logo, team name, cycles and OKR scoring easily.

Customise Company Name and Logo

To customise the company name, just enter your desired values in the green-highlighted area.

For the logo, you can quickly update it on every page by including the logo image link.

Customise Team Name

Add the team name to the table (green highlighted area). Once entered, the team name will automatically update in the header of each tab. You can then rename the tabs as desired.

Customise OKR Cycles

The OKR cycle is a fundamental aspect of the OKR methodology. Without it, you miss out on the advantages of effective OKR planning, continuous improvement, and the performance-boosting pressure of deadlines.

There are primarily two types of OKR cycles: quarterly OKRs and annual OKRs.

Quarterly OKRs are popular due to their ability to strike a balance between short-term focus and long-term objectives. They enable agility and adaptability in swiftly evolving environments.

Bonus Resources: Exploring the advantages of Annual and Quarterly OKRs in this article.

Whether you opt for annual or quarterly cycles, this template supports up to 4 cycles, making it ideal for use in both scenarios.

You can customise each cycle by entering the cycle name, start date and end date.

Customise OKR Scoring (Traffic Light Rating)

Choose between an ambitious or conservative traffic light rating. 

The percentages are predefined for your convenience, but you can further customise them as needed.

In "Ambitious" mode, you encourage your team to reach for higher, stretch goals. Whereas in "Conservative" mode, you aim for more achievable targets, ensuring steady progress and reliability.

The chosen OKR scoring method in the Global Settings will be reflected across all tabs, aiding in monitoring goal progress at both team and company levels.

Credit: We take inspiration from Mooncamp for the Ambitious Traffic Light Rating and Conservative Light Rating.

5. OKR Dashboard Overview

At Danalyser, we believe in the power of data and visualizations. One of the best things about Danalyser's OKR Template is the ability to easily compare team performance and progress across different cycles using our dashboard.

In this template, we have 2 dashboards: the OKR Dashboard and the Yearly Dashboard.

OKR Dashboard

The OKR Dashboard gives you a quick look at how the company is doing with its goals. You can see how each team is contributing to these goals and easily spot which objectives are on track and which ones need attention, thanks to our color-coded charts.

Yearly Dashboard

The Yearly Dashboard shows you the progress across all 4 cycles and lets you compare performance. You can also see the breakdown by different teams, helping you quickly identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, the growth rate is calculated for you, giving you valuable insights into your team's progress over time.

6. Set Company and Team OKRs

In Danalyser's OKR Template, you have the flexibility to set both company-wide Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) as well as team-specific ones. Here's how it works.

You'll track Company OKR at the tab Company, and Team OKR at the respective tab for each team, namely Team #1, Team #2, Team #3 and so on.

Head to the tab Company. At the Cycle 1 section, start by defining the high-level Objectives that align with your organization's vision and strategic priorities.

Next, move to the "Key Results Tracking" section within the "Company" tab. Fill in the table with your Key Results, specifying the Key Results, Metric Name, Target, and Actual (current progress).

The template will calculate the progress for you and display it in the summary section, providing a clear view of your Company OKR achievements.

You can repeat the same steps for the team OKR.

OKR Template Layout

In both the Company and Team OKR tabs, we've designed a cohesive and intuitive layout to streamline your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) management. Here's a breakdown of the design elements:

Page Header

The Page Header includes quick links to respective cycle within the same page. Cycle name is conveniently updated based on your Global Settings input.

OKR by Cycle - Header with Goal % and Time Progress

Each Cycle section is designed as a tracker and dashboard combined, blending practicality with aesthetic appeal.

It provide the overall goal achievement rate for the cycle. Color-coded progress labels indicates the status of goal achievement based on the OKR scoring at Global Setting. It also displays the number of days remaining, helping you stay on track with your OKRs.

OKR Section

1) Objectives

  • Enter your Objectives in the green-highlighted area, providing a clear focus for the cycle.
  • The Objective is calculated based on the Key Results' progress, offering a snapshot of the Objective's advancement.

2) Key Results Summary

This section provides an overview of all Key Results, their associated metrics, and progress. Color-coded labels indicate whether Key Results are on-track, off-track, at risk, or completed, reflecting the OKR scoring settings.

3) Key Results Tracking

Here, you'll track all Key Results, including their metrics, targets, and actual figures.
Inputting data here calculates the progress of Key Results and, consequently, the Objective and cycle progress.

The consistent design across Company and Team tabs will ensure a seamless experience for you in managing OKRs.

Danalyser's OKR Template Structure

The Danalyser's OKR Template is meticulously designed with a clear structure to empower you in managing your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) effectively. Here's an overview of the template strucuture:

1.  Settings and Guide

  • The template includes a dedicated section for settings, where you can customize the OKR scoring, timeframes, and other parameters.
  • Additionally, there's a quick guide available to help you navigate through the template, providing insights and tips for successful OKR implementation.

2. Dashboards

  • The template includes comprehensive dashboards that offer visual representations of your OKR progress.
  • The "OKR Dashboard" provides a quick overview of how the company is achieving its goals and the contributions of each team.
  • The "Yearly Dashboard" allows you to view the progress across all four cycles, compare performance, and identify growth areas.

3. Company Tab

  • Company tab serves as the hub for tracking and managing company wide OKRs. You'll define high-level objectives here.
  • Page are divided into Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3 and Cycle 4 to allow you to set OKRs for each cycles.

4. Team Tabs

  • Each team has its dedicated tab, such as "Team #1", "Team #2" and so on.
  • In these tabs, teams can define their OKR.
  • Page are divided into Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3 and Cycle 4 to allow you to set OKRs for each cycles.

Understand OKR Score Calculation

OKR scoring system provides a quantitative assessment of your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) progress. It's crucial to understand how OKR score are calculated to be able to interpret the OKR progress correctly.

Here's a detailed breakdown of how the score calculation works.

1. Key Result Score

Each Key Result is assigned a score based on its progress towards the defined target. The formula for Key Result scoring is:

  • Key Result Score (Target Value / Actual Value× 100%

For example, if a Key Result has an actual value of 75 out of a target value of 100, the score would be 75%.

However, the score is always cap at 1 (100%) max. If a key result has an actual value of 125 out of 100, the score would be 100%.

    2. Objective Score

    The Objective score is the average of its associated Key Results' scores.
    he formula for Objective score calculation is:

    • Objective Score Sum of Key Result Scores​ / Number of Key Results

    This score provides an overall assessment of how well the Objective is progressing.
    For instance, if an Objective has three Key Results with scores of 80%, 90%, 70%, the Objective score would be (.

      3. Cycle Score

      The Cycle score represents the collective progress of all Objectives within a specific cycle. It is the average of all Objective scores within that cycle.

      The formula for Cycle score calculation is:

      For example, if a cycle has four Objectives with scores of 75%, 85%, 90%, and 80%, the Cycle score would be( .

        4. Color-Coded Indicators

        Danalyser's OKR Template uses color-coded indicators to visually represent the status of Objectives and Key Results:

        • Green: Indicates that the Objective or Key Result is on track or has been completed successfully.
        • Yellow: Suggests moderate progress or areas that require attention to stay on track.
        • Red: Highlights areas that require immediate action or are behind schedule.

        These color indicators provide a quick visual assessment of the status of each Objective and Key Result.

        For completed objective or key result, we highlight in black with green text.


        In conclusion, Danalyser's OKR Template offers a seamless solution for organizations aiming to enhance their goal-setting and performance monitoring. With its user-friendly design and features like the OKR Dashboard and color-coded indicators, the template empowers data-driven decisions and fosters collaboration across teams. By embracing OKRs, organizations can streamline processes, track progress efficiently, and drive focused efforts towards success.

        Start using Danalyser's OKR Template today to unlock a new level of efficiency, innovation, and growth for your organization. Embrace the power of OKRs to align your teams, monitor progress effectively, and achieve your strategic objectives with confidence.

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